Aruna Tennakoon Apps

Sinric 3.0
A simple and elegant way to link your development boardslikeRaspberryPi, ESP8226, ESP32 or Arduino with Amazon Alexa orGoogleHome for FREE! **** App only supports turning on/off devicesas ofv1.0. other features will be added soon. 1. for an account if you do not have one (UseChrome,FireFox) 2. Log in and create a smart home device 3. Copyyour APIKey 4. Connect.
SecurityLogAgent Disable 2.0
If you have rooted your Samsung, you will see a notification ontop"Unauthorized actions have been detected" . This applicationwillhide this notification by disabling securitylogagent. Sourcecodecan be foundhere:
Sinric Pro 2.23.2
The simple way to control your IoT development boards like ESP8226for FREE!